Friday, October 30, 2009

The ghost that was too cutty

Brendan and Julian were sitting in the computer lab when a ghost wearing a really cutty northface shows up. They thought they saw him, but weren't not sure, when they looked at where he was he dipped too cutty.


  1. I love the way that Isaac fades in and then fades back out when Julian and I look towards him.

  2. I really dont like how you used the pics I wasn't in. On the other hand they are very beautiful and evoke a kind of fear deep in my bones at the disappearing character on the right.

  3. i like how u used an everyday scenery to show a ghost apperence where u would least expect it. i flows nicely and gets right to the poin. my fav. pic is the one in the middle when the ghost is suddenly next to julian:)

  4. I echo Zaina's comment- great concept overall to photograph in everyday settings. You worked hard to solve the sequence and the look of your "ghost." Excellent work on this, cal!
