Thursday, October 1, 2009

Library photos

I tried to get the title of the book and mr. whiton in the background

Was edited on picnik with vinagrette

I tried to creat a swerving line with the chairs with Mr. Whiton at the end

I put the focus on the flower and left mr. whiton in the background
In the library photos we were supposed to take different photos in the library. I chose to do them all in different styles, so i could capture all of the different feelings in the library.


  1. I like the pic of mr. whiton and he is holding up the book over his face because its cool how its his body and then the book with eyes as his face:)

  2. i like how the flower is in focus and the backround is blurry but you can still tell what is going on in the image

  3. I really like these.

    I really see what you were trying to do in the one of Mr. Whiton sitting down reading and I think you captured that really nicely. Good job :)
